
As the centerpiece of the largest recreation complex in the Greater Hamilton Area, The Mohawk 4 Ice Centre is the place to play for over 1.5 million visitors every year. The year round facility boasts 4 NHL sized ice surfaces, a full service restaurant, concession, sports retail outlet and multi-purpose community room. In addition to servicing every level of minor hockey and housing the largest adult hockey league in the City of Hamilton.

The Mohawk 4 Ice Centre also plays host to 16 major tournaments annually and is the practice facility for the AHL Hamilton Bulldogs. Completed on time and under budget in 2005, The Mohawk 4 Ice Centre continues to earn praise for its efficient operation, friendly staff and commitment to the community. To date, the Mohawk 4 Ice Centre has donated over $107,000 to the Hamilton Minor Hockey Council with the proceeds from its annual charity golf tournament.

At over 136,000 square feet, The Mohawk 4 Ice Centre includes 4 NHL sized ice pads, a total of twenty-four change rooms, a large multi-purpose room, sports retail outlet, offices, administration and food and beverage facilities on both floors.

The site can accommodate a total of 360 parking spaces for the use of patrons to the facility, and there is an overflow-parking lot available within the park for major events. The location of the site on the park allows for a spectacular view from the second floor of the building; over the brow of the escarpment, past the Red Hill Creek valley and features the entire north shore of Lake Ontario and the Skyway Bridge. A conservative estimate of attendance in a single season of use for The Mohawk 4 Ice Centre is over 1,500,000 attendees.

To book ice time or the community room please contact bullough@mohawk4icecentre.ca or by calling 905 318-5111.

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