
Hamilton Steel AAA Hockey Club – The Mohawk 4 Ice Centre is Home to the Hamilton Steel AAA Hockey Club.  Hamilton’s new pilot project for hockey should prove to showcase the best hockey for what Hamilton has to offer.  The philosophy of the Hamilton Steel Hockey Club is to promote, encourage and develop competitive hockey from U8 through Junior hockey. Hamilton Steel have successfully hosted their Annual Tournament Classic with teams coming from all over Canada and the USA.   For more information on feel free to visit the website at

Hamilton Minor Hockey Initiation Program (U5-U8)

Program: U5-U8 Hockey

The Initiation Program is designed for 4-7 year-olds. It teaches basic hockey and skating skills. The Initiation Program plays games via Cross-Ice Hockey which emphasizes fun while spending time developing all basic hockey fundamentals. The program also helps train new coaches with all on-ice instruction and gameplay. During game slots, coaches will lead their teams in one-hour sessions.

What’s Included:

  • Option 1: U5-U7 – 20-Week Program (2x a week = 39 Hr Program)
  • Option 2: U5-U7 – 20-Week Program (1x a week = 20 Hr Program)
  • Option 3: U8 – 20-Week Program (2x a week = 39 Hr Program)
  • Professional Instruction with Sandy Velenosi and Staff (
  • Super Saturday, March 2025 (details provided later in the season)
  • A Team Jersey and Hockey Socks provided
  • Player Picture Day – Saturday, November 16th & Sunday, November 17th, 2024.
  • Season play early Oct 2024 – March 2025.
  • Ice Times rotate between 8am-1pm on Saturdays and Sundays at Mohawk Quad Pad Arena and Chedoke Arena.
  • Week 1 is player evaluations; players and coaches are then placed onto teams for the remainder of the season.
  • The final season schedule will be completed in early October.
  • Note: If the league and the player’s parents agree, an advanced 4-year-old player may be moved into an older Age Group.

Hillfield Strathallan College:  Home for the Hillfield Trojans ice hockey and player development, the Mohawk 4 Ice Centre plays host to the annual Hillfield tournament in February along with all league home games. For more information please visit the school website at

Sherwood High School:  Sherwood High School is one of the Canadian Hockey Skills Academy (CHSA) licensed programs in full operation for the 2013-2014 school year.  The CHSA are a direct result of a recommendation that was approved at the 1999 Molson Open Ice Summit on player development in Canada. The 10th recommendation stated that the CHA should: “Promote cooperative efforts between school boards, local hockey associations and sponsors, to better utilize ice times and school facilities and move towards the development of sport schools.”   For more information check out the school website at

STOKE Strength and ConditioningAt STOKE Strength and Conditioning we run programs for general fitness and hockey specific training. Our mission is to inspire people to lead happier and healthier lives and provide athletes with the tools they need to reach their goals. We understand that “fitness” is different for everyone and everyone has different fitness goals. Whether you want to be able to climb the stairs with ease, get a sports scholarship, or make an Olympic team one day, we can help you achieve those goals!

Tapleytown Hockey Canada Skills Academy:  The Hockey Academy is a pathway program offering students the opportunity to participate in the Grade 7 & 8 curriculum while improving and developing their overall fitness level and hockey skills during the traditional academic day.  With 60 on-ice learning opportunities in the school year, students receive individualized training focused on their strengths and weaknesses. Students will also receive sport specific strength and conditioning training focused on their long term athletic development.  For more information please contact Doug Dunford or Sean Kuczerepa (905) 662-2297 or by e-mail at or .  Applications for admission can be found on the school website: