Adult Leagues

CEHL Hockey League:  Over 40 years running Sunday evenings 5-11pm winter and summer. Divided into 5 divisions for even play for all skill levels and gender. For more info contact or check out the website:

GHL- Hockey for Dummies:  Co-ed ice hockey series for adult beginners.  Lots of fun, lots of laughs!  League runs on Wednesday’s in the summer and Saturday evenings throughout the winter . For additional information, checkout:

GNHL- Glanbrook Non-Contact Hockey League:  Running Sunday mornings at the Mohawk 4 Ice Centre the Glanbrook Non-Contact Hockey League is a great way end the weekend.  Playing 1 hour and 15 minute games, the GNHL offers just the right amount of ice time.  The league banquet, golf tournament and draft night also incorporates an off ice atmosphere that will make you always wanting more.  For more information please visit or contact Ray Pattenden at

NAHL (Non Aggressive Hockey League) 35+

All games are on Wednesday nights starting at 9:45 and 10:00PM. You must be 35 years of age or over.  For players who would like to play fun and competitive hockey but not having to deal with overly aggressive players whose only concern is winning. Mutual respect is a must and team parity is what we strive for. We play Wed nights year round. Bonus Goalies play for free.
For more info see our web site or contact Peter at or text at 289-456-4949

NRHL – Nustadia Recreational Hockey League – Back for it’s 10th winter season the Nustadia Recreational Hockey League offers the best value for your hockey needs.  Weekday Leagues run exclusively at the Mohawk 4 Ice Centre.  Restaurant is on site and OPEN so you can enjoy the bar or patio before or after your game.  For more information please see reception desk of the arena or contact Derek Myke at 289-925-NRHL (6745) or  Visit our Website by clicking

QWNHLQuad Wednesday Night Hockey League  We Play Wednesday nights all year round, two seasons all games at reasonable times. We are a no nonsense, non aggressive league set up for average and lower level Adult Males over 35 years of age. If interested contact Bob in late February for our April start Summer league or in July for our September start Winter season. For more information visit our website at

RNHL (Regional Non-Contact Hockey League) – The largest Oldtimers Hockey League at the Mohawk 4 Ice Centre runs Sunday afternoons between the hours of 11:15AM – 5:30PM.  Divided into four (4) divisions, the RNHL offers even play for any skill levels. For additional information feel free visit

Russell Hockey Enterprises- Adult Low Level Beginner League:  Russell Hockey Enterprises has more than 15 years experience of operating and organizing year-round hockey programs. Program runs on Wednesday evenings. Our full time hockey company includes 15 full time and 30 part-time staff. Check out:

SCOHA – Stoney Creek Oldtimers Hockey Association: Operating Fridays and Sundays.  Created to provide a safe alternative for men thirty years and older who wish to continue to play our national game at the highest possible level with the emphasis on personal safety, camaraderie and mutual respect for each other.  Visit the website or e-mail for more information.

SCWHL – Stoney Creek Women’s Hockey League: The Senior Recreation Division provides hockey playing and learning opportunities for women, from beginners to skilled, in a safe, supportive, friendly & FUN environment. This division is available to players 20 years plus with no standings or stats kept.  Come out Monday nights and see that Hockey is not just for kids anymore! Register online at: For any questions please contact Nicole Boutin at